A Comprehensive Approach for Managing Commercial Driver Fatigue
The North American Fatigue Management Program enhances a carrier and driver’s ability to effectively deal with the challenges of fatigue in a highly competitive, widely dispersed and rapidly changing industry.
The NAFMP provides education on:
- Developing a corporate safety culture that actively combats driver fatigue
- Educating drivers, drivers’ families, carrier executives and managers, shippers/receivers, and dispatchers on fatigue management
- Sleep disorders screening and treatment
- Driver and trip scheduling practices
- Fatigue Management Technologies
Fatigue is....
A workplace hazard.
Fatigue is....
A big problem for the transportation industry, in all the modes.
Fatigue is....
The end result of lack of sleep, time- of-day, time-awake, time-on-task, monotony and health conditions.
Fatigue is....
Associated with boredom, inattention, drowsiness, lower driving performance, safety critical events, falling asleep at the wheel and road crashes.
Fatigue is....
A complex phenomenon that affects everyone in many ways.
Fatigue is....
A workplace hazard.
Fatigue is....
A big problem for the transportation industry, in all the modes.
Fatigue is....
The end result of lack of sleep, time- of-day, time-awake, time-on-task, monotony and health conditions.
Fatigue is....
Associated with boredom, inattention, drowsiness, lower driving performance, safety critical events, falling asleep at the wheel and road crashes.
Fatigue is....
A complex phenomenon that affects everyone in many ways.
Fatigue is....
A workplace hazard.
Fatigue is....
A big problem for the transportation industry, in all the modes.
Fatigue is....
The end result of lack of sleep, time- of-day, time-awake, time-on-task, monotony and health conditions.
Fatigue is....
Associated with boredom, inattention, drowsiness, lower driving performance, safety critical events, falling asleep at the wheel and road crashes.
Fatigue is....
A complex phenomenon that affects everyone in many ways.