The NAFMP is a no-cost, voluntary, fully interactive web-based educational and training program developed to provide an awareness of the factors contributing to fatigue for its truck and bus commercial-vehicle drivers and carriers and others in the supply chain, with an awareness of the factors contributing to fatigue and its impact on performance. Guidance on health and wellness, time management, vehicle technologies and scheduling best-practices provide effective mitigation strategies to addressing fatigue while maintaining a healthy and productive work/life balance.
Yes, all educational opportunities and materials are available in both French and English.
While Hours of Service (HoS) regulations are necessary to limit a driver’s hours of work and require off duty time that must be allotted each day and each week to drivers, they do not provide drivers and companies with relevant knowledge, motivation, attitudinal and safety culture changes or fatigue management tools. Moreover, they are not intended to dictate lifestyle choices outside of the work environment. There are many off-work factors that may contribute to fatigue (including physical health, the demands of busy personal lives, time-of-day, scheduling and stress) that can only be addressed through optional and complementary educational opportunities such as the NAFMP.
Many in the supply chain may not be fully aware of the different factors that can contribute to fatigue in the day-to-day lives of drivers, and the potential impact it could have on road safety and a driver’s physical health and wellness. The variety of educational opportunities and strategies in the NAFMP will create a convivial environment for all interested participants in the supply chain to develop awareness and understanding the complexities of these issues and successful mitigation strategies.
The NAFMP website includes:
- A dedicated website containing all NAFMP materials and guidance
- Ten (10) learning modules that provide information and best practices on how to manage fatigue to all levels of motor carrier operations, drivers, and drivers’ families
- An Implementation Manual that provides direction and support to carriers on how to deploy the comprehensive NAFMP program in a carrier-operating environment
- A business case and Return-On-Investment (ROI) calculator that provides guidance to carriers on determining the cost/benefit of deploying the NAFMP
- A Learning Management System that provides trainees with an interactive on-line learning experience, complete with chapter quizzes and module exams to support comprehension of the material
Visit https://nafmp.org/ for materials and information in English
Visit http://www.pnagf.org/ for materials and information in French
The NAFMP will provide the most up-to-date educational information and research on driver fatigue, health and wellness, and lifestyle management for all members of the supply chain.
No, a driver or carrier will receive benefit from the information provided in each of the 10 learning modules presented as stand-alone or in combination. However, to gain full benefit of the program, a carrier would use the step-by-step comprehensive approach described in NAFMP Implementation Manual.
In addition to addressing improvement in safety performance and driver health and wellness, the NAFMP Return-on-Investment calculator will provide carrier executives and owners with cost/benefit information they would require to support a decision to deploy the program within their organization.
Clinical and operational components were designed in a three-phase research program over several years to:
- identify best practices in addressing potential fatigue-related issues,
- identify the latest findings in medical research in the field of sleep disorders and their effective treatment,
- conduct field trials in live carrier operating environments to determine the feasibility of implementing fatigue programs, and
- develop and test educational / training programs to enable better recognition and understanding of fatigue and of the strategies to mitigate the fatigue risk in an operational environment.
The research included focus groups, data collection through beta testing with drivers, field testing with drivers, and sleep disorder screening and treatment. The FMP research was conducted by fatigue experts who collaborated with industry leaders with a goal to develop and assess the efficiency of such a comprehensive approach to fatigue management. This led to the development and deployment of the program through the Implementation Manual and the 10 training modules.
The NAFMP is a collaborative, international partnership between jurisdictions with diverse interests within the commercial carrier industry. The financial contributors are:
- Alberta Occupational Health and Safety
- Alberta Transportation
- Alberta Workers Compensation Board
- Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail de Québec (CSST)
- Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
- Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ)
- Transport Canada
In- kind development support was provided by:
- Alberta Motor Transport Association
- American Transportation Research Institute
Course Curriculum and Development by:
- Virginia Tech Transportation Institute
Read more on our Partners Page.
You will see the efficacy of NAFMP through:
- Increased awareness, understanding and recognition of the impact of fatigue on driver safety performance; provision of training, education and motor-carrier best practices regarding how drivers can better manage their lifestyles, health and alertness and how carriers can effectively support them in doing such
- The identification of factors related to sleep disorders, screening and treatment
- Guidance on technology used in fatigue monitoring and supply chain scheduling
The NAFMP assists in the mitigation of fatigue via:
- Increased awareness of the dangers of driver fatigue
- Better understanding of fatigue contributing factors and how they can be mitigated
- Provision of training, education and motor carrier best practices regarding how drivers can better manage their fatigue in an operational setting
- The identification of sleep disorders and provision of medical intervention and technology support
- Provision of information on fatigue monitoring and scheduling technologies and practices
Once motor carriers recognize the critical fatigue contributing factors – including sleep deficit, number of continuous hours of being awake in a 24-hour period, time of day, time on task, sleep-related health problems and road monotony, they can help their drivers better manage fatigue and thereby reduce collisions.
Improve Driver Safety
Reduce fatigue-related risks, reduce crashes, improve alertness and promote job satisfaction.
Learn more
Full Program Manual